Every day, I open myself up to endless possibilities
This week my focus is on allowing everyday to be a fresh start. In the busyness of life and the seemingly endless to-do lists, it can feel daunting to navigate through the tasks and goals we set for ourselves. Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by your current situation is totally normal and happens to all of us but when we actively allow every day to be a gift and full of new possibilities we have the ability to shift our mindset. We can create the habit that what has happened in the past doesn't have to affect us and that we don't have to carry the emotions we felt the day before. When presented with new opportunities to get you closer to your goal, can you see yourself running after it?
We are not restricted by the road that we choose to travel. Just because we pick a certain path does not mean that given a new opportunity to follow something that fills our heart that we cannot change our paths or pursue those new opportunities. We are not stuck in one lane or path.
A goal for myself lately has been consciously opening myself up to the blessings the universe has for me. While I have a vague plan for how I'm going to achieve my goals, I'm also trying to stay flexible to those new blessings. Even just over the past few months, I can see new opportunities and possibilities of things hoped for prevent themselves to me. This week's affirmation helps me to look forward and beyond the struggles I'm experiencing in the moment and choose to trust in the divine plan for me.
This Week's Meditation
Find a room or space you feel comfortable in. You can be seated or laying down.
Repeat our affirmation: "every day, I open myself up to endless possibilities."
Breath in.
Breath out.
Imagine yourself walking on a path through a sun filled field. As you travel this path, you are surrounded by things that bring you joy and fill you with peace.
Breath in.
Breath out.
As you continue your path you come to a fork in the road. At this fork, there are many different paths you can choose to go down. There is a sign on every path which shows the destination it will lead to. On every single sign, the destination is something that will bring you closer to one of your goals.
Breath in.
Breath out.
As you read the signs, a sense of ease fills you as you know that there is no wrong path to choose. So you choose a path. As you begin to walk down this path you continue to soak up all the beauty this choice has to offer. You embrace the warmth of the sun, the beauty of nature, the softness beneath your feet. And as you continue this path you let go of the idea of the other paths, because tomorrow, you get to choose to walk another if you desire.
Breath in.
Breath out.
Allow yourself to come back to your present space. Notice any sensations that come up as you become more aware of yourself. Repeat our affirmation: "every day, I open myself up to endless possibilities."