"I overcome my fears by getting out of my comfort zone."

What's one thing you've always wanted to try? Skydiving? Moving across the country or to a different country? Testing out a new hobby? Fear can come to us in many forms but I think one of the ways it especially comes is by preventing us from doing things we really want to do. We may stay in our comfort zone because we don't want to look silly or foolish, we don't want to have to announce our failure (if we fail), or because, quite simply- it scares the hell out of us.
Unfortunately, we can't grow if we're stuck in one place forever and one of the best ways to grow is by being out of our comfort zone and being uncomfortable. Some of the best things in life are just on the other side of our fear; waiting patiently for us to take that leap of faith from what we know to what we don't know. And yes, sometimes we fall flat on our faces. That shit sucks- I won't even pretend it doesn't. But what we do after is what determines our growth; do you dust yourself off, bloody nose and all? Or do you shrink back to where you know it's safe but still always longing for that thing on the other side?
Fear, when you look at it head-on, is a silly, little thing. So much is lost by shrinking to our fears; imagine what your world could look like if you stepped out, even small steps, into the unknown.
Find yourself a sweet and calm spot. You can be seated or laying down.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
What decisions and opportunities has fear held you back from lately? (It doesn't have to be anything "big," it can simply be big to you.)
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
What would it look like for you to embrace that fear and take that opportunity? What immediately comes to mind? What emotions come up and where does it feel in your body?
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
What could you say to that fear when it comes up again?
"Fear, you don't own me."
"I feel you, fear, and I will take this leap anyway."
"The fear I feel now is so much smaller than the opportunity that lies in my path."
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Allow yourself to come back to your present space. Notice any sensations that come up as you become more aware of yourself. Repeat our affirmation: "I overcome my fears by getting out of my comfort zone."